Videos and recordings of live streams discussing various aspects of Chia.
Chia GPU plotting - Skylake workstation build with HP Z6 G4 in Windows
Chia GPU Plotting Build Guide - Workstations. 100TB per day on a single GPU
How To Farm Chia w/ Madmax Gigahorse and Chia GPU Plotter in Windows - Chia Farming Guides 2023
In this How To guide for the MadMax Gigahorse plotter and farmer I take you step by step to get you setup and GPU, CPU plotting and farming compressed plots. (Digital Spaceport)
In this How To guide for the MadMax Gigahorse plotter and farmer I take you step by step to get you setup and GPU, CPU plotting and farming compressed plots. (Digital Spaceport)
How to plot Chia plots on multiple machines without running a full node
A walkthrough of how to concurrently plot on multiple computers within the same network without running multiple full nodes. (NotAnotherTech)
A walkthrough of how to concurrently plot on multiple computers within the same network without running multiple full nodes. (NotAnotherTech)
How to queue parallel plotting Chia in the GUI
A short video going over how to queue parallel plotting in the Windows GUI for Chia. (NotAnotherTech)
A short video going over how to queue parallel plotting in the Windows GUI for Chia. (NotAnotherTech)
Is plotting and farming still profitable?
storage_jm walksthrough using ChiaCalculator to estimate the expected returns of chia plotting and farming regularly. (Chia Decentral)
storage_jm walksthrough using ChiaCalculator to estimate the expected returns of chia plotting and farming regularly. (Chia Decentral)
Meet the plotting experts
Chia president, Gene Hoffman, chats with experts in plotting to discuss their plotting setup as well as answering commonly asked questions from Keybase. (Chia Network)
Chia president, Gene Hoffman, chats with experts in plotting to discuss their plotting setup as well as answering commonly asked questions from Keybase. (Chia Network)
MEGA Chia GPU Farming and Plotting Guide for Linux - Gigahorse Start to Finish - 2023
This guide is for setting up from start to finish a Chia Farm Gigahorse for Linux. (Digital Spaceport)
This guide is for setting up from start to finish a Chia Farm Gigahorse for Linux. (Digital Spaceport)
Plotting with Bladebit cuda - monitoring, NVIDIA dashboard, drive format and mounting scripts
Bladebit Simulate for Chia Farming - CPU overhead for compressed plots
Chia farming - Am I unlucky or is my farmer broken
An introduction to how the probability of winning blocks in Chia works. Figure out if you are unlucky or you are having real network problems with your farmer or harvester. (Chia Decentral)
An introduction to how the probability of winning blocks in Chia works. Figure out if you are unlucky or you are having real network problems with your farmer or harvester. (Chia Decentral)
Chia farming in Ubuntu Server for beginners switching from Windows
A video for folks that are currently farming Chia in Windows and want to switch over to Ubuntu server, for lightweight and low power, headless (no monitor) Chia farming. (Chia Decentral)
A video for folks that are currently farming Chia in Windows and want to switch over to Ubuntu server, for lightweight and low power, headless (no monitor) Chia farming. (Chia Decentral)
Chia farming on multiple systems - introduction to harvesters
Walkthrough of setting up a farmer and remote harvester to avoid multiple systems on the same network from conflicting with each other. (Chia Decentral)
Walkthrough of setting up a farmer and remote harvester to avoid multiple systems on the same network from conflicting with each other. (Chia Decentral)
Competitive Chia Farming - Deep dive into HDD power and TCO
The most comprehensive analysis of Chia farming power usage and total cost of ownership (TCO). A must watch for serious farmers looking to understand and increase the energy efficiency of their farm. (Chia Decentral)

The most comprehensive analysis of Chia farming power usage and total cost of ownership (TCO). A must watch for serious farmers looking to understand and increase the energy efficiency of their farm. (Chia Decentral)
How to farm Chia on multiple computers using Chia harvester
A walkthrough of how to set up harvesters in Windows to farm from multiple machines without a full node. (NotAnotherTech)
A walkthrough of how to set up harvesters in Windows to farm from multiple machines without a full node. (NotAnotherTech)
Intro to Farming
This video will walk you through the basics of farming and how to sync using a certified torrent file to speed up the process. (Chia Network)

This video will walk you through the basics of farming and how to sync using a certified torrent file to speed up the process. (Chia Network)
Official Chia Farming Dashboard
A video for folks that are currently farming Chia in Windows and want to switch over to Ubuntu server, for lightweight and low power, headless (no monitor) Chia farming. (Chia Decentral)
A video for folks that are currently farming Chia in Windows and want to switch over to Ubuntu server, for lightweight and low power, headless (no monitor) Chia farming. (Chia Decentral)
Power Consumption of Single Drives vs RAID Array in Chia Farming
Does farming Chia on a RAID0 array consume more power than farming on individual drives? Logic suggests it does, but exactly how much more and what's the power cost? Let's find out. (Home SysAdmin)
Does farming Chia on a RAID0 array consume more power than farming on individual drives? Logic suggests it does, but exactly how much more and what's the power cost? Let's find out. (Home SysAdmin)
Chia plotting and farming step-by-step setup
Step-by-step walkthrough of setting up the Chia software on Ubuntu (Coin Breakthrough)
Step-by-step walkthrough of setting up the Chia software on Ubuntu (Coin Breakthrough)
Complete build for Chia Farming
Video tutorial of an example consumer build for plotting and farming up to 360TB. (Coin Breakthrough)
Video tutorial of an example consumer build for plotting and farming up to 360TB. (Coin Breakthrough)
How To Farm Chia - Hard Drive Mining Guide
An end-to-end walkthrough of how to install Chia, create a plot, and start farming to earn XCH. (IMineBlocks)
An end-to-end walkthrough of how to install Chia, create a plot, and start farming to earn XCH. (IMineBlocks)
How to install Chia and Ubuntu Linux for Chia farming
How to install Ubuntu Desktop and the Chia Blockchain software. Also includes USB drive installation instructions using Windows 10.
How to install Ubuntu Desktop and the Chia Blockchain software. Also includes USB drive installation instructions using Windows 10.
XCH-GUIDE YouTube Channel
A YouTube channel dedicated to short guides on plotting and farming setups.
A YouTube channel dedicated to short guides on plotting and farming setups.
AMA with Bram Cohen
Kyle and JM from Chia Decentral are joined by Bram Cohen to answer questions from the community. They discuss the consumer storage market, hardware considerations, and price predictions. (Chia Decentral)
Kyle and JM from Chia Decentral are joined by Bram Cohen to answer questions from the community. They discuss the consumer storage market, hardware considerations, and price predictions. (Chia Decentral)
Behind Company Lines interview with Gene Hoffman
Julian Torres interviews Gene Hoffman on Behind Company Lines. (HireOtter)
Julian Torres interviews Gene Hoffman on Behind Company Lines. (HireOtter)
Bram Cohen AMA with Chia in China
Bram Cohen joins the China in China community for an AMA answering questions about custody, data layer, the future plan for Chia and more.
Bram Cohen joins the China in China community for an AMA answering questions about custody, data layer, the future plan for Chia and more.
Bram Cohen AMA Zoom with Chia China Group
Bram goes in depth about the choice of Lisp and the advantages of ChiaLisp. He also touches on the prefarm, the pooling protocol, and why he decided to name it Chia.
Bram goes in depth about the choice of Lisp and the advantages of ChiaLisp. He also touches on the prefarm, the pooling protocol, and why he decided to name it Chia.
Chia CMO Richard Tsao interview with Chia in China
Richard Tsao joins the Chia in China community to discuss the CODE framework for the metaverse, and ChiaTCG.
Richard Tsao joins the Chia in China community to discuss the CODE framework for the metaverse, and ChiaTCG.
Chia Founder Bram Cohen Talks 'Green Farming' and Future IPO
Bram Cohen joins "The Hash" and explains why Chia, a new cryptocurrency that is "farmed" based on proof of space and time, has a significant influence on the goal toward "green mining." Plus, his future plans for taking Chia public after its latest funding round with big-name backers. (CoinDesk)
Bram Cohen joins "The Hash" and explains why Chia, a new cryptocurrency that is "farmed" based on proof of space and time, has a significant influence on the goal toward "green mining." Plus, his future plans for taking Chia public after its latest funding round with big-name backers. (CoinDesk)
Chia in China YouTube Channel
Featuring interviews with different Chia team and community members.
Featuring interviews with different Chia team and community members.
Chia Network - The 'Most Decentralized Blockchain' on the planet?
Gene Hoffman, CEO of Chia Network, discussed the company's vision for a more sustainable, secure blockchain, and its partnerships. (Unchained Podcast)
Gene Hoffman, CEO of Chia Network, discussed the company's vision for a more sustainable, secure blockchain, and its partnerships. (Unchained Podcast)
Chia Updates With Gene Hoffman: What’s Going On With Chia
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss numerous updates surrounding the Chia protocol, new onboards to the Chia Board of Directors and more. (Corey Costa)
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss numerous updates surrounding the Chia protocol, new onboards to the Chia Board of Directors and more. (Corey Costa)
Collision 2023 | DeFi or sci-fi? Can DeFi stay decentralized?
Davos 2022 - Web 3.0 Decentralized Infrastructure for the Future of the Web
Gene Hoffman and other speakers from the blockchain industry discuss web 3.0 infrastructures.
Gene Hoffman and other speakers from the blockchain industry discuss web 3.0 infrastructures.
Digital Spaceport AMA Zoom with Chia in China
Jerod from Digital Spaceport came to the site of HemaDAO Chia in China AMA. We discussed many interesting issues together, including Plot 2.0, GPU Plotting, CHIP, NFTs, wallets and the future development vision of Digital Spaceport.
Jerod from Digital Spaceport came to the site of HemaDAO Chia in China AMA. We discussed many interesting issues together, including Plot 2.0, GPU Plotting, CHIP, NFTs, wallets and the future development vision of Digital Spaceport.
Digital Spaceport Interview with Chia CEO Gene Hoffman
Chia CEO Gene Hoffman Talks IPO Delay, Layoffs, Prefarm Sale, and What's Next for Chia Network (Digital Spaceport)
Chia CEO Gene Hoffman Talks IPO Delay, Layoffs, Prefarm Sale, and What's Next for Chia Network (Digital Spaceport)
Gene Hoffman AMA Zoom with Chia in China
Gene Hoffman participates in an AMA with the Chia in China community, answering questions about the prefarm, Climate Action Data Trust, decentralization, and more.
Gene Hoffman participates in an AMA with the Chia in China community, answering questions about the prefarm, Climate Action Data Trust, decentralization, and more.
IPOs not ICOs - Ryan Singer
Filmed at the (Off) The Chain Summit presented by Pillar on April 26th as part of Boston Blockchain Week. (Pillar VC)
Filmed at the (Off) The Chain Summit presented by Pillar on April 26th as part of Boston Blockchain Week. (Pillar VC)
Jay Gould EP37 - Bram Cohen Explains How BitTorrent was the Inspiration to Bitcoin
BitTorrent's creator, Bram Cohen, shares the origin story of BitTorrent and how it was Satoshi Nakamoto's inspiration to create Bitcoin.
BitTorrent's creator, Bram Cohen, shares the origin story of BitTorrent and how it was Satoshi Nakamoto's inspiration to create Bitcoin.
LispNYC - Bram Cohen and Richard Kiss discuss why they chose Lisp
Bram and Richard will discuss the why of using Lisp for smart contracts, the design rational of the various language features of ChiaLisp, and the challenges of language development on a blockchain
Bram and Richard will discuss the why of using Lisp for smart contracts, the design rational of the various language features of ChiaLisp, and the challenges of language development on a blockchain
OCP Sustainability Initiatives - Storage
Jonmichael Hands describes the Circular Drive Initiative as it relates to Open Compute Project's sustainability goals.
Jonmichael Hands describes the Circular Drive Initiative as it relates to Open Compute Project's sustainability goals.
Off the Chain 22 - Bram talks custody solutions
Bram Cohen gives a talk at Off The Chain Con about upcoming decentralized custody solutions such as multi-sig and atomic swaps, authrozied payee wallets, and transaction clawback.
Bram Cohen gives a talk at Off The Chain Con about upcoming decentralized custody solutions such as multi-sig and atomic swaps, authrozied payee wallets, and transaction clawback.
Regulatory Compliance Structures: Discussing Chia With Gene Hoffman
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss the recent events and news surrounding regulatory compliance in cryptocurrency and how Chia is positioning in this new atmosphere of compliance structures thereof! (Corey Costa)
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss the recent events and news surrounding regulatory compliance in cryptocurrency and how Chia is positioning in this new atmosphere of compliance structures thereof! (Corey Costa)
Regulatory Compliance, Chia, The Future Of Blockchain: With Bram Cohen And Gene Hoffman
Setting The Stage for 2024: The Chia Model with Gene Hoffman
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman surrounding an assortment of topics regarding Chia and how Chia will set the stage in 2024! (Corey Costa)
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman surrounding an assortment of topics regarding Chia and how Chia will set the stage in 2024! (Corey Costa)
The Chia Business Whitepaper Zoom - February 11, 2021
Bram, Gene, and Mitch take questions and elaborate upon the Business White Paper and how the Chia Network plans to utilize the pre-farm. (Chia Network)
Bram, Gene, and Mitch take questions and elaborate upon the Business White Paper and how the Chia Network plans to utilize the pre-farm. (Chia Network)
The Chia Business Whitepaper Zoom - February 12, 2021
Bram, Gene, Mitch, and Chuck take questions and elaborate upon the Business White Paper and how the Chia Network plans to utilize the pre-farm. (Chia Network)
Bram, Gene, Mitch, and Chuck take questions and elaborate upon the Business White Paper and how the Chia Network plans to utilize the pre-farm. (Chia Network)
The Chia IPO Paradigm: With Chia CEO Gene Hoffman
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss the intricacies of regulatory compliance, the Chia IPO and new partnerships in the Chia ecosystem! (Corey Costa)
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss the intricacies of regulatory compliance, the Chia IPO and new partnerships in the Chia ecosystem! (Corey Costa)
The Chia Paradigm: Speaking With Gene Hoffman: COO Of The Chia Network
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss his background as a serial entrepreneur and how he got involved with Chia. (Corey Costa)
Corey Costa interviews Gene Hoffman to discuss his background as a serial entrepreneur and how he got involved with Chia. (Corey Costa)
The Cypherpunk Ethos: Speaking With Bram Cohen: Creator Of Chia And BitTorrent
Corey Costa interviews Bram Cohen to discuss his background as a cypherpunk and how Chia embodies that ethos. (Corey Costa)
Corey Costa interviews Bram Cohen to discuss his background as a cypherpunk and how Chia embodies that ethos. (Corey Costa)
The Tatiana Show - Ryan Singer of Chia Network
Tatiana and Josh interview Ryan Singer, former CEO of the Chia Network.
Tatiana and Josh interview Ryan Singer, former CEO of the Chia Network.
Yahoo! Finance Live interview with Gene Hoffman
Chia Network CEO and President Gene Hoffman joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the failures of FTX, why investors should invest in the Chia blockchain, and the outlook for the crypto space.
Chia Network CEO and President Gene Hoffman joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the failures of FTX, why investors should invest in the Chia blockchain, and the outlook for the crypto space.
Climate Warehouse explainer
A graphical explanation of how Chia blockchain is used as the underlying technology behind the World Bank's Climate Warehouse as part of the third and final simulation phase.
A graphical explanation of how Chia blockchain is used as the underlying technology behind the World Bank's Climate Warehouse as part of the third and final simulation phase.
Climate Warehouse overview
A talk explaining the purpose of the Climate Warehouse, it's progress, and current participants.
A talk explaining the purpose of the Climate Warehouse, it's progress, and current participants.
Competitive Chia Farming - Deep dive into HDD power and TCO
The most comprehensive analysis of Chia farming power usage and total cost of ownership (TCO). A must watch for serious farmers looking to understand and increase the energy efficiency of their farm. (Chia Decentral)

The most comprehensive analysis of Chia farming power usage and total cost of ownership (TCO). A must watch for serious farmers looking to understand and increase the energy efficiency of their farm. (Chia Decentral)
Farming and Electricity Usage in Chia
Learn about the most efficient way to farm large quantities of plotted storage and talk about the impact Chia might have in terms of total electrical capacity used to support all Chia farms. (Chia Network)
Learn about the most efficient way to farm large quantities of plotted storage and talk about the impact Chia might have in terms of total electrical capacity used to support all Chia farms. (Chia Network)
Power Consumption of Single Drives vs RAID Array in Chia Farming
Does farming Chia on a RAID0 array consume more power than farming on individual drives? Logic suggests it does, but exactly how much more and what's the power cost? Let's find out. (Home SysAdmin)
Does farming Chia on a RAID0 array consume more power than farming on individual drives? Logic suggests it does, but exactly how much more and what's the power cost? Let's find out. (Home SysAdmin)
Bram Choen Chia CLVM Talk @ Google
Chia Founder, Bram Cohen, presents on the Chialisp coin set model as part of a Google CLVM talk.
Chia Founder, Bram Cohen, presents on the Chialisp coin set model as part of a Google CLVM talk.
Chia Coloured Coins - A non-technical user guide
Matt Howard explains Chia coloured coins in a non-technical way.
Matt Howard explains Chia coloured coins in a non-technical way.
Chia Coloured Coins - Technical guide (Part 1)
Matt Howard explains smart transactions and ChiaLisp.
Matt Howard explains smart transactions and ChiaLisp.
Chia Coloured Coins - Technical guide (Part 2)
Matt Howard explains the coloured coins contract & offers.
Matt Howard explains the coloured coins contract & offers.
ChiaLisp & decentralized identity
Matt Howard explains the purpose and implementation of decentralized identity with ChiaLisp at the Champaign Blockchain Meetup.
Matt Howard explains the purpose and implementation of decentralized identity with ChiaLisp at the Champaign Blockchain Meetup.
Chialisp Developer Tools With Clovyr
Chia and Clovyr give a tour and demo of the Clovyr Chialisp developer tools. (Chia Network)
Chia and Clovyr give a tour and demo of the Clovyr Chialisp developer tools. (Chia Network)
CHIP-002 dApp Protocol Q&A
Community call to discuss feedback on CHIP-002 - dApp Protocol.
Community call to discuss feedback on CHIP-002 - dApp Protocol.
Constructions in ChiaLisp - Bram Cohen
The Chia on-chain programming environment brings the full power of defi to the UTXO model. We'll cover what the basic constructions in Chialisp are, what has been built to date, and what's upcoming.
The Chia on-chain programming environment brings the full power of defi to the UTXO model. We'll cover what the basic constructions in Chialisp are, what has been built to date, and what's upcoming.
Inner Puzzles in Chialisp
In this video, we’ll talk about why you might want to nest puzzles and how to set them up. (Chia Network)

In this video, we’ll talk about why you might want to nest puzzles and how to set them up. (Chia Network)
Intro to Chialisp
In this video, we’ll go over the basics of Chialisp including syntax & structure, inequalities and if statements, and setting up a development environment. (Chia Network)

In this video, we’ll go over the basics of Chialisp including syntax & structure, inequalities and if statements, and setting up a development environment. (Chia Network)
Intro to developing in Chialisp
YouTube introduction and walkthrough of getting started with Chialisp. (Chia Network)
YouTube introduction and walkthrough of getting started with Chialisp. (Chia Network)
Multiple Issuance Chia Asset Token (CAT)
Matt Hauff walks through the multiple issuance of a Chia Asset Token (CAT). (Chia Network)
Matt Hauff walks through the multiple issuance of a Chia Asset Token (CAT). (Chia Network)
Official Chialisp tutorial series
A series of Chialisp tutorials and videos from the Chia Network.

A series of Chialisp tutorials and videos from the Chia Network.
Signatures in Chialisp
In this video, we discuss a better way to secure our coins - Signatures. (Chia Network)

In this video, we discuss a better way to secure our coins - Signatures. (Chia Network)
Single Issuance Chia Asset Token (CAT)
Matt Hauff walks through the one-time issuance of a Chia Asset Token (CAT). (Chia Network)
Matt Hauff walks through the one-time issuance of a Chia Asset Token (CAT). (Chia Network)
Smart Coin First Steps in Chialisp
Let’s take our first steps into using Chialisp in a smart coin. In this video we’ll talk about Currying, Hashing, and Conditions, and submit and use our first Chia Smart Coin. (Chia Network)

Let’s take our first steps into using Chialisp in a smart coin. In this video we’ll talk about Currying, Hashing, and Conditions, and submit and use our first Chia Smart Coin. (Chia Network)
Wallet Connect video tutorial
A guide to run a simple dapp connecting to the Chia reference wallet via Wallet Connect.
A guide to run a simple dapp connecting to the Chia reference wallet via Wallet Connect.